Parts of the Guitar & Fretboard

The numbers on the bottom of the diagram represent the fret numbers.

Before you begin playing, you must also know how the frets and strings are numbered (See Figure). The strings are numbered from the lightest (thinnest) to the heaviest (thickest). So the thinnest string is the first string, and the thickest is the 6th string. A guitar in standard tuning is tuned to E-A-D-G-B-E. This shows the 6th string to the 1st string. In other words. 6th string - Low E, 5th string -A , 4th -D, 3rd -G, 2nd -B, 1st -High E. Look at the diagram to find out how the frets are numbered. Note: The 0 fret is also the open note on each string.

The next thing that you need to know is the fretboard, or the notes that make up the guitar. The notes on a guitar go up chromatically. In other words, they go up a half a step at a time. So if you were to start on A, The notes would ascend like this... A, A#/Bb, B, C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A. Notice that, there is no sharp or flat between B and C, or E and F.

To make it simple it looks like this A - BC - D - EF - G - A.

Now study the fretboard and learn the notes. Memorize them! You’ll need it when you are taking lessons in scales.

Fret no. 13 to 24 is just the repetition of fret 1 to 12.

I recommend you use first a guitar tuner, and then try to tune your guitar MANUALLY and check your tuning using a tuner. It’s hard to tune your guitar when you are a beginner. But don’t worry you will develop it quit sometime by practicing your ear.

Always tune your guitar before you start playing.

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